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The best summer vacation spots for autistic kids

Updated: August 16, 2024 · 4 Minute Read


Reviewed by:

Vivien Keyn, Ph.D.


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The definition of autism

Autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a complex neurological and developmental condition. Autism often leads to a non-standard way of perceiving, processing, and interacting with the world. As a result, individuals with autism often express themselves by communicating and socially interacting differently than people without autism. 


A spectrum of signs

Autism can look like a difference in behavior where someone prefers to be alone and might find communicating with others challenging. It can also look like a severe disability where someone needs full-time care in a special residential home. Signs of autism typically show up in early childhood and look different person-to-person.


Some communicate by speaking and others use nonverbal communication. People with autism show a wide range of intellectual and self-care abilities. Many have unique mannerisms and traits that include ritualistic and self-stimulating (sometimes called “stimming”) behaviors such as lining up toys or arm flapping.1 


Though having autism might not necessarily affect daily activity and interaction, autistic people can experience issues that are more difficult to manage. Below are some common signs of autism in children.2


Socialization differences. Children with autism may not show interest in playing with others, and they might:

  • Play alone and have no interest in socializing
  • Have difficulty understanding “make-believe” play
  • Not respond to their name
  • Avoid sharing toys


Problems with communication and interaction. Communication challenges are common in children with autism, and they might:

  • Have poor eye contact or a lack of facial expression
  • Have difficulty understanding simple questions or directions
  • Have difficulty discussing or expressing their feelings
  • Avoid hugs or any physical contact
  • Show a delay or regression in speech and language skills


Repetitive behavioral patterns or activities. Children with autism might display unique mannerisms and behaviors like: 

  • Repetitive movements, such as spinning or rocking
  • Rigid adherence to specific routines or behaviors
  • Self-harming behaviors, such as biting
  • Unusual sensitivity to light, sound, or touch
  • Fixated interests or preoccupations
  • Specific food preferences, such as eating only certain foods

A diagnosis can be complicated. It’s important to note that children with autism might show many of the signs listed above or just a few. If you’re wondering if your child may be on the autism spectrum, check out our free screener to learn if you need further evaluation. During an evaluation, you will review all behavior and developmental history with a professional to determine the best support for your child.


How to talk about autism

 The preferred language around autism has changed a lot throughout the years. Let’s examine some common ways to talk about autism.


Person with autism or autistic person? Most doctors and schools use person-first language like “people with autism” or “person has autism” while many others prefer identity-first language like “autistic people” or “person is autistic.” 


Some people prefer to say “on the spectrum” or “on the autism spectrum” when describing people with autism. To specify how much support an autistic individual might need, “low support needs” or “high support needs” are helpful options. Other common terms to describe how significantly a person is affected by autism includes mild autism or severe autism. Many in the autism community do not recommend using “low” or “high functioning” as these labels cannot accurately describe someone’s needs and abilities. 


Many advocates in the autism community prefer to describe people with autism as neurodivergent. The intention is to celebrate the vast human experience and different neurological profiles. Though some don’t find the term “disabled” appropriate to use, many people prefer using identity-first term.    


It’s ultimately up to each person to determine how they want to describe themselves. Always ask each person for their preference!  


The removal of Asperger’s syndrome

Medical professionals currently refer to the American Psychiatric Association (APA)’s fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) when identifying autism. In the latest version that was published in 2013, Asperger's syndrome, which was often described as a “milder” version of autism, was removed. Instead, autism spectrum disorder is used to describe everyone who has autism. People with mild or severe symptoms are all diagnosed with autism. 


There are a few reasons why Asperger’s syndrome was removed from clinical use and why many agree with the reclassification.


It’s a spectrum. Most people agree that autism is a spectrum that looks different person-to-person. Though there have been many attempts to categorize autistic people into subgroups, there is too much nuance to properly do this.


Individuality first. Personalizing treatment and support for those on the spectrum would be more meaningful than putting them in different categories. In the past, some reported that it was more difficult to receive support with an Asperger’s diagnosis than with autism. 


Clinical confusion. The criteria for Asperger’s syndrome was problematic and confusing. A study showed that it was more likely someone was diagnosed with Asperger’s based on which clinic they went to rather than based on the person’s actual traits and characteristics.        


Eugenic origins. Asperger’s syndrome is named after Hans Asperger, a Nazi physician who worked closely with Hitler’s regime. He experimented on children in Vienna during World War II and ordered those who he described as severely autistic to be killed. He decided those on his “favorable” side of the autistic range would be given care and could be taught to hide their autistic traits and contribute to society.


The different levels of ASD

Doctors also use the latest diagnostic guidebook, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), when identifying what type of support is best for those with ASD. People with autism fall into three levels of support. 


Level 1: Requires Support. Children who fall under this category might have problems making friends and starting conversations without the right support. They might need to follow strict behavioral patterns and feel uncomfortable in new environments. 


Level 2: Requires Substantial Support. Holding conversations and communicating with others is a bigger challenge for those who fall under this category. They might communicate or respond in ways that neurotypical people find surprising or inappropriate. They might have restricted interests and exhibit frequent repetitive behaviors.


Level 3: Requires Very Substantial Support. Children with Level 3 autism will need the most support. They find it extremely challenging to communicate verbally and nonverbally with others. They might limit interactions with others and experience extreme distress in a changing environment. 

We believe that therapies and interventions should support individuals with autism toward living a fulfilling and independent life, not toward making them appear “normal.” That shouldn't be a radical statement. Find top-rated providers who take your insurance with our directory.