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Beaming Trust

Beaming Health values your privacy and protects it with a variety of technology and hard-working features.

Beaming Health uses cutting edge technology, web development best practices, and world-class AWS resources to keep your information secure. We value your privacy and will do everything we can to protect it. This page outlines what you can expect from Beaming Health, and the strategies and systems we use to keep your information safe. If you have questions regarding security, we are happy to answer them, please write to and we will be happy to assist.

Trust Us page header

Beaming and HIPAA

Beaming Health is not required to be HIPAA compliant as it is not a covered entity. ‘The HIPAA Privacy Rule applies to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and those health care providers that transmit health information electronically in connection with certain administrative and financial transactions (“covered transactions”). See 45 CFR § 160.102. Covered transactions are those for which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has adopted a standard, such as health care claims submitted to a health plan. See the definition of “transaction” at 45 CFR § 160.103 and 45 CFR Part 162, Subparts K–R.’

Protect Data

Protecting Your Data

We place strict controls over our employees access to user data, and have technical controls and audit policies in place to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of user data. Our employees and contracted personnel working with any user data are bound to our policies, and we treat these issues as matters of the highest importance.

Data Privacy and Security Training

Everyone at Beaming Health receives regular training to ensure that our programs and team members preserve our goals of protecting your information. This includes privacy training that covers California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) which establishes standards for protecting your personal information and ensures you have access to Beaming Health if you want to know how your information is used to provide our services and how your information can be deleted.

Data Encryption

We leverage the benefits of AWS with confidence in the security of your and our own data via powerful, collaborative data security and encryption capabilities. We protect your sensitive data wherever it lives and travels with a seamless experience across cloud and on-premise platforms all while remaining compliant.. We also maintain active SSL Certificates ensuring data transmission happens over HTTPS.

Secure Storage

Beaming Health leverages secure cloud computing, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), to store data in physically and electronically secure facilities. For a list of all current AWS security accreditations, see the AWS Compliance Programs page. (

Authorized Access Security

In addition to sophisticated system monitoring and logging, we utilize robust administrative identity, authorization, accountability, and authentication controls like two factor authentication which will be available for all users starting in 2022. We also have systems in place to detect unauthorized access and protect your account from malicious actors.

Incident Response & Addressment

Beaming Health has adopted forward looking incident response policies to help us quickly address any security breach. Among other corrective measures we will notify users of any unauthorized access to their data in the event of a breach within 24 hours of our own detection and awareness of the incident.

Disaster Response

Beaming Health uses a backup and restore approach for mitigating against data loss or corruption. This approach can also be used to mitigate against a regional disaster by replicating data to other AWS Regions.

Still have questions or comments? Please reach out to

Where can I learn more?

Privacy Policy: Our agreement with you that outlines how we collect, use, and share your data.

Terms of Use: Your rights, responsibilities, and relationship with Beaming Health and our providers.